Paris: ATEA’s Members 2021 summer’s lunch

This summer, we had the pleasure of hosting our future members around a lunch buffet to present ATEA and its project.

The event was a great success.
Our member’s feedback is that they are better informed and educated our 2021 projects and are fully embracing Atea vision and the organisation put in place to realise this vision. We also had the opportunity to introduce our honorary member Abdoul, a liberal nurse and partner on the health centre project, who explained his collaboration with ATEA and how he is leveraging his network to collect donations of medical equipment to support ATEA.

Our 3 projects in 2021 are around education and health – both are key priority areas where ATEA is striving to make a difference in rural areas in Africa.

College project in Koffikro: We will finance the tuition fees and provide basic education kits for 60 students. We are also aiming at helping the college to improve infrastructure such as the stadium, the library and provide basic equipement such as printers and laboratory equipment’s.

Project 4 primary schools in Issia: We are providing school kits, books, uniforms and supplies to allow these children to have basic school equipment to learn and give them hope. We would also like to renovate the classrooms and have desks and storage cupboards made on site with local partners.

Health centre project: Our primary objective is to aid with daily equipment such as gloves, syringes, gowns, masks and compresses and subsequently more substantial equipment – subsequently we are aiming to work  in partnership with local artisans and producers to make beds, gloves (rubber and shea butter) etc… to provide these basic equipment to the local health centres.

Again a big thank you to those who participated in this event and to all our donors!!

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