Donate Now & Change A Life

Volunteers like you are changing the world one child at a time by giving your time and talents. Whether you volunteer as a mentor, or to renovate a school or to help organise our extra curriculum activities, you’ve got countless ways to make a difference! Choose your act today and help educate our future leaders.

Welcome To ATEA

ATEA is born out of the collective commitment of African professionals and entrepreneurs to contribute to the progress of rural communities in Africa by improving access to education to underprivileged children, as well as young men and women living in these communities.


Its founders’ key objective is to give a fair chance to all the children, young men and women living in the rural communities to access basic education  in nurturing, safe and good conditions and to have access to extra curriculum activities which will develop their leadership skills.


Become a Volunteer

Join Us Now

Volunteers like you are changing the world one child at a time by giving your time and talents. Whether you volunteer as a mentor, or to renovate a school or to help organise our extra curriculum activities, you’ve got countless ways to make a difference! Choose your act today and help educate our future leaders.


View Our Case

Donate Now

Donating will allow children to have a scholarship to attend school every day in the best possible conditions and to access extra-curricular activities that will develop their self-confidence, social and cultural awareness as well as their innovation and entrepreneurial spirit to become accomplished leaders of tomorrow.



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Get Involved

Relying on its core values of accountability, sharing and excellence , ATEA foundation has developed a network of partners in rural communities and mobilised resources and competencies across the world to achieve our objectives

Why Choose Us?

Our goal is to make their lives better

Our goal is to make their lives better.

  • We have been there. We have grown up in these communities and understand their challenges.
  • We are committing our deep and diverse professional and life experiences to make their lives better.
  • We focus on results. For us, it is all about what adds value to their lives.

Sponsor a Child

When sponsoring a child, you’re changing his/ her life by providing resources for a year’s school fees, accounting for 1€ / per day (10.20€ per month after fiscal deduction) – without which, the child might not be able to attend school.


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What Volunteers Say


”Thank you to ATEA foundation for this opportunity given to l ‘Elite private college to express itself, this opportunity given to our students, to our children to express their challenges and their joy to be here.“

School Director

”We Thank again ATEA foundation who decided to take this journey with us. We can’t achieve this vision alone – We need partners and ATEA is the perfect partner who share the same vision and values.“


”Since I started studying at celak, I have been awarded every year. Thank you to ATEA foundation for thinking of us, for thinking of l’Elite college, considering the parents’ conditions.“

Donation Hotline:

+33 1 89 16 59 66